Trade uncertainty: Explore resources and tools for your business.

Trade uncertainty: Explore resources and tools for your business.

Canada Tariff Finder

Find tariff information in just a few clicks

Quickly get tariff information for specific products and countries where Canada has a Free Trade Agreement. Our Canada Tariff Finder tool is so intuitive, it gives tariff rates even without the HS code.


Simply enter your product and select the country* you’re exporting to or importing from.


Get immediate tariff information to print or receive by email.


Compare rates for multiple products or countries to identify your best options.

Frequently asked questions

1. Who can use this tool?

The Canada Tariff Finder is a free online tool for Canadian entrepreneurs who plan to import or export products.

2. What is the tool used for?

The Canada Tariff Finder provides up-to-date custom tariff information for countries with which Canada has a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). It gives the current tariff rate for the specific good being searched as well as for subsequent years, when available.

The tool also allows you to compare tariffs between different products or countries to identify your best options.

1. How does the tool work?

The Canada Tariff Finder makes finding tariff information fast and easy:

  1. Select whether you are importing or exporting and the applicable country.
  2. Find the specific good you want to import or export.

    Simply enter keyword(s) that describe the product or the Harmonized System (HS) code, if you know it. If the tool does not find an exact match, it will propose options to narrow your search. Visit to access the full list of HS codes.

  3. Get results instantly.

    You can print them or receive them by email. You can also compare results for up to three different products or countries.

2. Can I find tariff information for any country in the world?

No. The tool only provides tariff information for countries with which Canada has a Free Trade Agreement (FTA). To get the current list of countries for which tariff rates are available, simply go to the tool and click on the scroll-down menu “Please select a country.”

As it becomes available from our FTA partners, tariff information will be added to cover more countries.

See Global Affairs Canada for more information on Canada’s free trade agreements.

3. Why can’t I find the country I’m looking for?

The Canada Tariff Finder focuses on countries that have a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Canada. You can find this list of countries by going to the tool and clicking on the scroll-down menu “Please select a country.”

Tariff information for other countries will be added to the tool as it becomes available from our trading partners.

For more information on Canada’s free trade agreements, visit Global Affairs Canada

4. Why can’t I find my product with your search tool?

The tool is designed to find products matching your keyword(s) or Harmonized System (HS) code(s). If you’re not having any luck finding your product, you can visit to access the full list of HS codes.

1. What does MFN mean?

Under the World Trade Organization (WTO), the “Most Favoured Nation” (MFN) obligation is based on the principle that countries cannot normally discriminate between their trading partners.

With regard to tariffs, a country’s MFN tariff rate is generally applicable to imports from all countries, regardless of their origin. When a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is in place, preferential tariff rates will apply to imported goods provided the goods meet the rules of origin of the FTA. The MFN tariff rates will apply to goods imported that do not meet the rules of origin (non-originating goods) under the FTA.

2. The rate under the FTA is higher than the MFN rate; how should I interpret this?

Each Free Trade Agreement (FTA) contains provisions to ensure that goods will benefit from the most advantageous tariff. Here is an example of such a provision:

Each country shall apply to an originating good the lesser of:

  • The tariff rate applicable under its FTA tariff schedule; or
  • The most-favoured-nation (MFN) applied tariff rate.
3. Why is it that the graph I get is only showing a 3-year or 5-year forecast?

When the tariff rate for a specific tariff line is reduced over a certain period of time and reaches a level that will be the same for every subsequent year, the tool displays only two additional years from that point.

When all tariffs are fully phased-out, meaning there is no further reduction of tariffs, the tool displays the final fixed rate for a five-year period.

Under an FTA, once tariffs have been fully eliminated, the tariff rate will remain at zero for every subsequent year.

4. Why is it that sometimes I get a graph and sometimes I don’t?

The tool provides a graph only when the tariff is applied in the form of a percentage.

5. I conducted a search with my 8-to 10-digit HS code and I got the results for the 6-digit HS code. Why is that?

The 8-to 10-digit HS codes (tariff line) may vary for the same product in different countries. The tool returns the search at the standardized 6-digit level to allow you to evaluate which tariff line best corresponds to your product in a specific country.

1. Is the tariff information accurate?

The tool contains tariff information made available by our trading partners. It displays the source and year of the data in the search results. The tariff rates provided in the Canada Tariff Finder are for informational purposes only and have no official sanction. The tariffs applicable to imported goods are authoritatively determined by the customs authorities of the importing country. The user is responsible for validating the tariffs with the customs authorities of the importing country.

The tool is a joint effort between BDC, EDC and the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service of Global Affairs Canada. The Parties (i) are not responsible for the application of a tariff that is different than the one provided by the Canada Tariff Finder, (ii) make no express or implied warranties or representations with respect to the use of the Canada Tariff Finder, and (iii) are not liable for any losses, expenses or damages arising from the use of the Canada Tariff Finder, or any action or decision made by the user in relation with the Canada Tariff Finder or its use of the Canada Tariff Finder.

* The Canada Tariff Finder focuses on countries that have a Free Trade Agreement with Canada. When available, rates are given for the current and subsequent years.

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