Maintain your company’s cash flow

Working capital loan

Up to 8 years

To repay your loan, including initial postponement

Up to 24 months

Principal payments postponement at the start of the loan

Your business has projects, but it requires money to undertake them. Many entrepreneurs face this challenge—which is why our working capital financing is unique and designed to help you realize key growth projects, without putting your everyday cash at risk.

Take advantage of preferred terms and conditions for loans* over $350,000.

Financing you can use to

  • Complement your line of credit

    Purchase inventory to fulfill orders quickly.

  • Launch growth projects

    Expand into new markets, develop new products, protect intellectual property, launch a marketing campaign.

  • Improve profitability

    Pay suppliers upfront to get special discounts, obtain certification, train employees.

Financing tailored to your needs

  • Unparalleled flexibility

    Match payments to your cash flow cycle to avoid using money needed for your day-to-day activities.

  • A “beyond the numbers” approach

    We look beyond banking ratios, including management expertise and the potential of your project.

  • Peace of mind

    Our terms and conditions don’t change without due cause.

Jennifer Brodeur, founder of JB Skin Guru Inc

Working with BDC is refreshingly straightforward. With a simple click and signature, funds were deposited in our account within 24 hours.


BDC has been an indispensable financing partner since we started the business. With their in-depth knowledge of the beverage industry, they truly understood our needs and helped us grow exponentially.

Pollinate Networks Inc.

BDC has grown with us! When we needed capital to pivot from a consulting business to becoming a tech company, they provided a flexible financial solution that really worked for us.

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Specialized financing solutions available

If you have an asset-light company or require solutions that go beyond conventional financing, our Growth & Transition Capital experts can help you structure a financial package with repayment and interest terms adapted to your needs, without diluting ownership.

Ready to take action?

Apply now

If you are an Indigenous entrepreneur or a newcomer to Canada, discover solutions designed for you.

* Subject to approval. Certain conditions apply.

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